Tribal Healthy Homes
2025 Radon Art Contest Guidelines
Introduction: The goal of this contest is to encourage young minds to learn more about radon exposure in the home. Contestants can use their creativity to 1) promote awareness of radon and 2) show the benefits of testing homes for radon. Expand the knowledge of the potential health effects of radon exposure within the home to the 27 tribes in the Indian Health Service (IHS) Albuquerque Area.
1) Who can enter? (1 submission per person)
- (a) Middle schoolers (grades 6-8)
- (b) High schoolers (grades 9-12)
- (c) Eligibility: Students must be an enrolled member of an American Indian Tribe or Alaska Native Group
- (a) Extended to January 31st, 2025
- (b) Submissions can be submitted by Survey Monkey in pdf. or jpg. or png.
- (a) 8.5” by 11” paper size
- (b) An Initial on the lower right-hand corner is acceptable.
- (c) Use of copyrighted materials such as logos, characters, brand names is not permitted.
- (d) The Artwork can include the use of crayons, markers, colored pens/pencils, paint, or computer graphics.
- (e) Everything on the artwork should be appropriate (no bad words, appropriate pictures, Etc.)
- (a) What is radon?
- (b) How can radon get into my home?
- (c) How do I test for radon in my home?
- (d) Where does radon come from?
- (e) How does radon affect my health?
- (f) How will testing for radon benefit my home/health?
2) When is the deadline/ how do I turn it in?
4) Artwork Topics (Pick 1)
- 1. Artwork should reflect the chosen topic.
- 2. Radon Information should be accurate.
- 3. The use of creativity & uniqueness.
- 4. Visual communication of the topic.
- 5. Grammar.
- 6. Attractiveness
- What is the prize?
- a. First place winner
- i. $100 gift card
- b. Second place winner
- i. $50 gift card
- c. Third place winner
- i. $25 gift card
Will be displayed on the AASTEC Tribal Healthy Homes Website
Will be posted and promoted on AASTEC social media platforms.
Winners will be selected and notified by February 2025.
- Tips
- Read the Rules/Guidelines carefully and follow directions.
- Do some research on Radon.
- Be sure the information on the artwork is accurate.
- Make note of the Deadline for artwork.
- Draw a picture or pictures that help teach your idea or message.
- Think and be creative.
- Ask an adult to look over your idea/artwork.
- Don’t make it too cluttered by putting too much information.
- Make it easy to read from at least 4 feet of distance.
- For non-digital artwork (example: hand drawing, painting, etc.) ensure that the scan is clear to give the best visual of the artwork when uploading it.
- Optional Radon Resources
- Read the Rules/Guidelines carefully and follow directions.
- Radon Guide
- Who Is at Risk of Radon Exposure?
- Radon
- Radon Indoor Air
- Radon Testing
- To enter Artwork contest or view past winners, follow the links below or scan QR code
- Read the Rules/Guidelines carefully and follow directions.
- Click Here for Entry
- Click Here to View the Past 2024 Winners
- Scan the QR code to enter the contest:
- For questions or concerns please email: